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How Padre Pio used to pray 

From the diary of Padre Agostino of San Marco in Lamis

Padre Agostino of San Marco in Lamis in his diary describes two other occasions at Venafro when Padre Pio had ecstasies. During these two ecstasies he received Communion completely unaware he was doing so.

Usually Padre Agostino accompanied by the Superior from the Monastery Padre Evangelista of San Marco in Lamis who administered the Blessed Sacrement to him.

One morning, they found Padre Pio already in ecstasy. Padre Agostino who had to give him Communion said all the prayers up to and including the “Agnus Dei” but Padre Pio still had not come out of his trance. Padre Agostino then addressed these words to him: “Padre Pio for Holy Obedience receive Jesus from my unworthy hands“. Padre Pio suddenly lifted up his head and received the Host although he was still in ecstasy (Diary p. 210).

When they came back to him about two hours later Padre Agostino e Padre Evangelista found him very upset. When they asked what was wrong he replied: “Answer me truthfully, did I receive Communion this morning?” and Padre Agostino assured him that he did: “I gave it to you myself with my own unworthy hands”. Padre Pio was not convinced. Then the Superior said a short prayer to the Guardian Angel of the sick man. Suddenly he remembered and thanked us.

This was how the last ecstasy happened (not dated). A second ecstasy (not dated) happened in almost the same way. There was, however, one new element which was later to become characteristic in Padre Agostino and Padre Pio’s dealings with one another. This was the use of French.

Another morning Padre Agostino again accompanied by Padre Evangelista brought the Blessed Sacrament to Padre Pio although he was in ecstasy and unaware of what was going on. Padre Agostino again said to him: “Padre Pio, for the sake of Holy Obedience receive the Body of Jesus from my unworthy hands“. This time, however, he added in a gentle voice: “Petit Enfant. Petit Enfant” (“little child, little child”). These words must have made such an impression on Padre Pio that he repeated them after he had received the Sacrament even though he was still in ecstasy.

Jesus appeared to him in the form of a young boy and Padre Pio marvelled at it. Turning towards him he said: “My Jesus, why do you seem so very young this morning? You have suddenly become so small!”.

When he had prayed to his Guardian Angel and asked him to bless Jesus for him, he turned back to Jesus himself.

He followed the Communion prayers and when the Madonna appeared, he expressed admiration and love for her. The second ecstasy finished just as the first had done with the simple goodbye to Jesus.


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Comments (2)

cathy chase-laub

i am seeking assistance in a spirtual and physical healing. i have breast cancer that has spread to other organ as. these are small tumers and they won’t remove my breast because they consider it stage four. the doctors want to use medications to stop the growth of the cancer. i can’t do chemotherapy. not going to go into long medical explanations but i don’t have a lot of options. could you pray for me to help with the cancer and my mental health throughout this ordeal. ovarian and breast cancer runs in my family. it is hard to get medical treatment with the covid 19 problem. i have had a good life and i have tried to assist other people and be kind to others. i was raised by a good parent, my father. my mother died of ovarian cancer. i was in a mental health profession as a mental health probation officer and i loved my work because i was able to help others with available resources. mental health agencies, doctors, social workers to help stablize others lives. i am 57 years old. no children. i don’t think i will live for another 5 years. i am married 3o years. this is ok with me. i believe in god, jesus, guardian angels, heaven. i pray for a easy death without a lot of pain when it is time to go. thank you for the oppuntiny to write this letter. i heard about padre pio and was inspired and comforted by his story and his faith in god.

Please keep Cathy in our prayers. She passed away not long (about two weeks) after this message was posted.

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